What is it?
Media is the use of web-based and mobile technology to create and exchange information between individuals, organisations and communities.
Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice Bureau currently use media to communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders. We have set up several media accounts which we would encourage you to visit.
This policy enables effective use of social media whilst protecting the bureau’s business information and any client information within its custody by safeguarding its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Who is it for?
This is a high level policy which is intended to be used by staff, volunteers, trustees and third parties that wish to utilise social media on behalf of Arun and Chichester Citizens Advicebureau.
Advice requests
We are committed to people getting the most appropriate and high quality advice. Therefore we cannot give advice or respond to advice requests over media channels.
•If you do need advice see our self-help
or find your local bureaux.
Any follows, retweets, favourites, likes, shares, comments or other media interactions should not be considered an endorsement or agreement with the sentiment by Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice service.
Inappropriate behaviour/posts
Any posts on forums that we moderate which are deemed inappropriate will be removed and the poster told why their post was inappropriate.
Inappropriate posts may include:
offensive language
advertisements for products and/or services
misleading information, deliberately or accidentally.
Inappropriate behaviour may include:
offensive language aimed at another user
contacting people privately or separately from the original discussion and using offensive or aggressive language
We will not remove posts because they are critical of Citizens Advice, unless they also match any of the criteria above.